Omg thiz iz teh w0rst map evar it r so fail!!!!!!!!!!1!
looks exactly like the POA bridge, goodjob:omg::happy:
Nice idea with the soccer balls. I like how the door hurts you if you try to enter
OK i played this with my friend. SOOO WEIRRD. WHY does the regenerator make the propane tanks come up???
looks good. nice job on the interlocking
this would be cool if you could find a way to use it in an actual map.
its good to know that it isn't on the green and grey tomb known today as foundry
needs interlocking. it looks like a sloppy house that i would have made when they first made foundry
looks like it has a better interior than most millenium falcons. Im gonna delete my old one and get this one
whoa, looks fun Ill dl as soon as i clean up my HD
looks good looks very well done. I like the out of the map part. Dling
Looks The same IT looks exactly the same. Good job! im dling
Too Easy Why does it have to be so eeaasy. This is the only map of this kind if been able to beat and the end isnt rewarding. Its just the...
Nice Floor Good Interlocking on the Floor. Nice and Simple
lol some pics are on standoff and some are on narrows! LOOLOLOOLOLOL
this is probally one of the best looking competitive maps ive seen so far(if its a competitive map) im dling :)
. lol nice