just to let you i came here from your link in your sig but i got to say is that these maps are really really good. i thought that Atox was really...
Looks like you got a nice map here and i will give it a download. But i will come back and tell you what i think of the easter eggs. You have some...
He has a point make it so that you have to be more depenedable on your mongoose. Otherwise this seems like it would be really fun with a bunch of...
This looks like it would be really good for MLG and just for playing with friends. I give it a 5/5. It looks a lot better then the first one.
doesnt look like much. all it looks like is that you blocked off some entry points thats it.\ P.S. Im going to be a noob and say this. First Post!
This looks like it gets more difficult as you go on. I will have to check it out.
looks like a really good put together map. I will try it out. And it doesnt look like one place is over powering the other.
This map looks really sweet and I think that the armoury doesnt seem that bad since there isnt that many weapons. And what it looks like the...