I like it alot, but it's not my top game. I got it on Thursday and beat it Saturday, the story was pretty good, but I dunno, I expected more I...
Well, I hate to say it, but it does have a fair amount. Not anything deep or large, but enough that it could cause this. And I doubt it could be...
Well I have re-downloaded the maps, but last night I took my HDD off and tried to load the maps, and it worked, sorta. It loaded Last Resort, but...
Really? Ouch...but thanks anyway. Here's the original render BTW. EDIT: NVM. Doesn't matter...
O.K the other day, I went to go play halo after about a week off it( Rock Band 2...), and too my surprise, I couldn't load any maps.:frustrated:...
Newest sigs, just threw all three together in an hour. [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] Comments? And I know the first one is pretty brutal, it was the...
Thank you .Core! It looks amazing! Thank's Lockdown!! Again, it's amazing!
Yay, new sig shop! I was wondering if I could get two sigs? Either One for each of you or two for one person. If you don't want to or I'm not...
Well I made it to level 43, I just got bored and stopped though.
Nice, I like the interlocking in the shotgun building and the far left corner, 3.5/5.
Wow, I haven't played morrowind in forever...The banhammer, able to instanly pound haterz in dust.
OHAI! Welcome What do you mean how do you rank you in forgehub? That doesn't even make sense, does it?
Take it easy there cowboy, he's new and doesn't no. But, Viprikr, to upload photos to the forum you have to go to an image hosting site like...
Well H2 because I really suck at sniping, and only get random no-scopes with the H3 snipe.
Yeah, BR is by far the most well-round weapon, Four Shots to head BAM, dead. Grenade at the feet then Headshot, BAM dead. Spray and pray a full...
Dun Dun Duuuuuuuuuu.... This just proves that one day cats will band together and take over the planet...
You have to host them on either photobucket, imageshack, or another image hosting site. Then copy the IMG code and paste it in a thread.
Like 40% of you, BR. And the Grenade BR combo. Here's my stats. 1.Melee 2,101 2.BR 2,094 3.Assault Rifle 1,191 4.Sniper Rifle 679 5.Shotty 663
Nice...liking the energy sword glow, looks really cool with all the black
That would actually be pretty sweet, a BTB version of foundry, set in a Pelican hanger. With new and improved objects, different sized...