Ok, so this is my first staged screenshot with effects. The effects I used were grenades exploding so I didn't use the forge effects that Bungie...
You thought the walls look sloppy? I thought they were pretty smooth. But oh well! I'm so glad you all liked it so much!
Ok! Taken into account!
Yes, there is a power drain in the map. Also, it is not as open as you think, for it is a small map.
Oh, I forgot to warn you guys, near the top of the map, there is some messy interlocking with some signs. I would fix that but there is really no...
Map Title: K-Trocity For 4-8 players Download Map: Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Description: K-Trocity is...
Ha! I remember testing this map out and playing around with it! I must say, the aesthetics of the map are genius as well as the Battle Rifle......
They work for me and everyone else. Must be your computer.
Well thanks, but that's the point. It is a basic close-quarters combat map. It is not meant to really be too strategic, but trust me, it get crazy...
Even though it's my own map, I agree, interlocking could have been used more. However, I have OCD when it comes to these kinds of maps, so it is...
2 Stars? Why does this have 2 stars? It looks amazing! I love the interlocking here! 4 stars.
Ok! I'll interlock in version 2! But thanks for giving me that advice. I was going to do that, but it proved dificult. Plus, I have interlocked on...
PWNED Arena Created by Veon 115 Supported Gametypes: Team Slayer (NO MORE THAN 4 TEAMS!!!) PWNED Arena Layout This game should NEVER be played...