I've tried everything, looked up youtube videos, experimented in forge, and Yahoo Answers. But I can't figure out how to get the rally points to...
They aren't going to be like the flood, the blackouts are random and temporary and they return to their original state after a while. Thanks :)
I'm trying to write a sci-fi book and I need help with some names. I need a name for: parasite disease parisite causes (causes humans to black out...
notice at the bottom of my 1st post it says that i meant to spell disconnected wrong. thats how we spelt our band name.
ok thanks.
I was bored one day so I thought that i should make some logos for my Guitar Hero band, just for fun. I narrowed it down to 2 similar logos and I...
Ok so im here to suggest a few map ideas for sandbox, but first, my opinion on this new map. With the new map sandbox, you can create awesome...
Maybe the dragon should spawn in a cave in the sky(not sky bubble to high lolz) cause i cant see a flying dragon in a grounded cave, i just cant...
this is a reeeally nice map, but might i add that the zombies should have a sniper, so that if the humans just dead stop, the zombies dont have to...
im kinda lookin for a big roman arena, to have sword fights in and stuff. nice map though for machinima and pics.
put some aesthetics in like some crap in the middle area or something like that. make it look intersting.
holy crap dude, nice touch with the video file and crap like that, very original. i like the map man! it looks pretty awesome, im gunna have to...
holy crap dude, best map i have ever seen with no interlocking! dont listen to these other guys, they just see NO INTERLOCKING OR GEOMERGING and...
hey, noobie! its nice to see so many people joining forgehub everyday.
the aspirin is drug abuse you retard! if you use the drugs like they tell you to, then youll be fine. do you hear your doctor say :"okay take 1...
holy poop this is an awesome map!!! i didnt think i would ever see a blackout map like this! most of em are on foundry, but thats good cause it...
hey man nice job, but the teleporters are a real eyesore for me. you could take some more time to add in stairs or something i dunno. but nice job.
looks ok... but your talking 1 vs 1/2 close quarters. i mean this is really really small. but good for a first map(i assume).
if you put a teleporter in a map, interlock it with a door.
sweet map, i assume you were trying to make a close qaurters map? i love those.