I remember testing this, damn. It's nearly perfect, as close as anyone will ever get to the Pit on halo 4
Plays exactly like the Pit but it made me sad because I realize how much better Halo 3 was. Halo 4 moves way to fast. Still, probably the best Pit...
Looks like a fun small map but the map name kind of irks me. I expect to see like a thousand maps with station or facility in it on impact. Pretty...
I can help right now if you want. I was screwing around with some of the stuff earlier and wouldn't mind helping. Just add me and i'll help.
I'd like to see some pics but if you want you can add me and i'll test it later tonight
I think you should do a how to for griffball because you can make gametypes as close to assault as possible.
Couldn't you make a grifball variant with a capture point in each base?
Looks really nice and clean. I think that's what I like about halo 4 forge. Everything looks like it fits really naturally. I think you could do...
I agree but Foundry had a certain charm to it and some of the most creative maps and games I have ever seen stemmed from it. The quality of some...
I agree with you, the forge maps are great but I have no inspiration right now. Reach and halo 3 I had like a billion ideas but I really can't...
I'm pretty sure that because we installed the multiplayer they can literally do whatever and add or remove things way easier than if it was on...
Thats a nice area, another good area is the beach. No one ever really uses the beach or the cave that leads from hemmorrhage to the beach.
I want a Forge ``Space`` It would be like forgeworld, but you have a colour palette, you can change whole groups of objects, the main themes on...
Id really love to play test this, it looks so fun. The juicy effect is debatable but I havent been on the map yet so my opinion could change. I...
This is a symmetrical map I have been putting together, I have around 4000$ left in the budget and I need to place spawns, add aesthetics and...
[img] You could probably use 5x5 blocks in the building blocks. I havent done anything like it, but its worth a shot.
Im going to challenge myself and try that, you can still block paths with debris that opens up a minute or two into the game. You can have custom...
It would be awesome if we could make an infection game like an invasion map. The first phase the humans have to get somewhere and hold the...
They just block a path in the tunnel, the zombies still have at least 2 entrances to each area. Some areas have 3 or 4 entrances though, majority...