I Dont think ill ever finish campaign solo on legendary...
i personaly liked how it played given thee fact that the objects were very limited. i kind of like how unbalanced it is because it makes you feel...
review hub gave you a bad review :O
i want to see everything available on maps for obejcts. i haaaaaated it when bungie didnt lte us spawn certain weapons or vehicles on a map.....
go reach ^.^
second second
enemys shooting and not at yu i think is kinda the same as agression
i know but it just bugs me how everything is explained and how all of it could be possible.. except for the gravity part
i read fall of reach and I still dont get how people are able to stand when there is no gravity. can someone explain?
most ships in halo have thrusters?
I dont get why it is inconsistent wher did u get this??!!!!
ok thx
the writing is hard to see because the background is yellow. Maybe add a border too?
wait hold on. whaaaat lol didnt see this the first time around? why no last name? jk. my freinds wanna use this map in a machinima is this ok?
this looks likes its gonna be SICK! the front of the ship looks to big though. in the picture in Avatar theirs only 2 windows things at the front.
conngrats rifte.. i dont like MLG but this is still cool. it's so different from most of the other maps out there.
i'm surprised theirs no comments yet! is that long backstory what your and jerz phenom were talking about that one time? Damn it's good i...
im confused at how this even works.. still if it's featured than a definit download.
i was just playing this a couple days ago! even though I don't like MLG this map is still a very fun map, I prefer oddball personally than the...