Wow this is an amazing map forge on an almost never used map. I give it a 5/5. This map is almost beter than the orginal. Thxs for the post
Death Camp [IMG] My newest close range Map is Death Camp. Death Camp is a close range map with lots of shield doors and boxes, every thing in the...
The mmap is very well made but you have top many power weapons for to be any fun in the close range combet still good work 4/5
DOOM 2 COME Game types: Team Slayer, or Team Doubles Weapons: Sniper, Beam Rifle, Shotgun, Sword, Rockets, Flamethrower(hidden), SMG’s ,ect...
very nice
:D I have a new map on halo 3 called Doom it takes place with two sides both with heavy armoured forts. One side is the human side with guns such...
Heres my latest map called doom : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing