Well, in FF7, Mako is basicly the essense of life, in energy form. Now, an evil company made a giant factory to harvest it, that doubles as a...
me and my friends were palying this yesterday. We couldn't get the soccer ball up, so we used each others corpses instead.
YEah. I built it for my own purposes, but it's still fun on basic slayer game types. Also I made some mods recently, so the map the link leads to...
Shahaweet! A Railgun based on the Mako Cannon from FF7, this is genius! You are a master of aethsetic maps!
Man, this puts the cruddy Crashed Plane that I'm working on to shame...This is awesome! I can't wait to try it out!
Yeah, but you don't get too many Covenant items, so I wasn't able to do everything I would have liked, but it still came out well.
OK, this is the second map I've posted....anyway this is a forge map I made a long time ago, when Halo 3 just came out. It's a Valhalla built on...
That 's so cool!
Ouch guess I'm lucky. I've gotten a triple red ring, and yet my box has never failed me, well I did have a problem a couple weeks ago, but I got...
Well, yeah, but like I said, it's fun with basic slayer, so try it out if you want. If not then I have no actual problem with that.
That's the point. I made this more for my own purposes, but I've played it with friends, and we've all had fun with it. I made it for my own idea,...
Well, the design was basicly four really lazy, selfish, messy and basicly really annoyed soldiers, who hate each other, and have thus done their...
I can't download Black Hole. It says that it's been removed.
Actually I always do use imageshck.us, but I made a mistake when I browsed for pics. Well, lesson learned, and the pics have been enlarged.
OK, this is a map I designed for use with a machinima I've been coming up with. It features three rooms, and a beach house. The rooms and beach...