Thanks guys and i have changed those bridges and am working on those boxes you said i should merge. So i've got the bridges, the corridor, and am...
He...wimper... had a good life but had to be put down... anyways the gametypes i recommend team ones but have played KoTH, Oddball, and Slayer on...
I did flip bridges and made them smooth... i think but thanks for the advice and i really like both your maps and Blaze814 maps too they are...
I have fixed the bridges and the corridor a bit and im sorry that the map seems that i kinda threw it together or whatever it is your thoughts...
Thanks i have been wondering what i should do to improve on and wanted to see what people would say and i know i need to improve on that side...
Chiden Map Description: This map is meant for up to 8 players and can play any gametype. There are two identical bases on each side that have...
Map looks good will probably dl to check it out. it reminds me of the map that i made but nvm that looks good 5/5 _______________________________...
Cool map like everyone has said cool elevator. Great map 5/5 ____________________________ My maps-Division and Battle Tower (eventually going...
These are my thoughts: Map looks open and basic having all weapons in one room can cause camping Why is there a flag outside?? Maybe im just...
i recommend coming out with a v.2 and take in consideration of all thats been said cause i like the idea and looks pretty good but needs some work...
I would have to agree with everyone that outside cover would probably be cool but overall a good map __________________________ My...
Awesome rocket time spent on that is recognized czuse it probably wasn't easy. Map is great 5/5 ________________________ My maps-Division and...
From what i can see and hear the map is awesome and love how you have the temple thing going on. great map will dl 5/5 :D...
Like its been said before pics should be a little bigger but from what i can see it looks good nice job ________________________________ My...
I love how you used another map besides foundry and its black out!!! great map 5/5 _______________________________ My maps-Division and Battle...
looks good and must have taken time to do great map ____________________________ My maps-Division and Battle Tower (eventually going to redo...
Looks great good map I expecialy like how you did use merging in a variety of ways and was still able to keep it organized and symmetrical 5/5
I like this map it looks nice and is very organized when it comes to urban warfare i give it a 5/5 :)...
Looks like it would have taken much time to plan out and make kudos 5/5 _______________________________________________________________ My...
User Name: FH- shadow cawn GT- Shadow Cawn Map: Battle Tower Did you read and follow instructions: Yes Do you prefer not using advanced forge...