This map looks really sloppy, and all of the screenshots (or almost all) are up-close, so I can't really see the big picture. And it looks like...
If you don't embed pictures within 24 hours of the post, this thread will become locked, which means nobody can view it. Other than that, the map...
Yeah the Kill-ball was thrown in at the last second, just for fun. I never have any problem with the Kill-ball. But if you want me to, I'll take...
I have to agree with JPeloquin218. However, I do like the roof you made by merging the Wall Corners together. It looks really cool in the third...
To JPeloquin218: It's supposed to be more of a challenging map than an actual competitive. I wasn't intending for it to be some actual legit...
A new map created by power7762, whose Gamertag is SuperCapitalist. Vertigo is a racing map, but not an easy one, to say the least. Nine out of...
It's Okay I could've used more geomerging, and since there are vehicles, mayble less shield doors. I think that the map has a few desirable...
Awesome! This map would be perfect for any gametype really, but especially infection. I give it a 4.7/5. I think maybe you could've taken up some...
Amazing! I thought your interlocking is amazing! This looks like a great competitive map! I give it a 5/5!
Space You have a lot of empty space, but from what I can see, you are a very creative forger and could fill it up easily. Also, I thought your...
Hmmm... It looks like it might be an okay map, but the interlocking could use more work. I think that the interlocking is good enough, and I...
Sk8 Park This is kinda a copycat of Sk8 Park that was on FH faves a little while ago. It doesn't have much to do, except for the quarter pipe....
Interlocking This map looks pretty good, except for the fact that it has no interlocking. Not that a great map needs interlocking. This map looks...
Link Where is the link to the file? Oops... nevermind.
Pics This post is not up to FH standards. Please fix your pictures by checking out how to embed a picture.
Cool. I love your interlocking, and people have totally forgotten about the ghost when it comes to making maps on Foundry. Awesome. I also loved...
Hmmm... It looks very simple, and there is not much interlocking. If you want awesome gameplay and praise from the people of FH, you better...
Pics The pictures in this post don't meet to FH requirements. They need to be larger. Try using an external image hosting site, such as...
What? This is very open for infection, and the map doesn't have much to it, but then again, you can't forge much Rat's Nest. I give it 1/5.
Link When I click on your hyperlink, it says that the file could not be found please fix your link, because this map looks really fun.