Well Done Zaffa. Ive been following your map posts and I must say that I enjoyed looking at each one of them. They have good structure and thought...
I prefer to work alone, giving me full control of the environment.
I tried that, the shading just wasnt the way i wanted it to be. I figured that the remaining color variations were negligible unless you looked...
That reminds me of a Gorgon from the PC game StarSiege. Excellent work Bat.
Yes, almost 95% of it's construction was done using the save-quit method.
E.L.I.T.E. Electronic Light-Integration Tactical Exoskeleton (A cooler name than just a "robot", eh?) The ELITE system is the Seperatist...
UNSC Durathon Class Destroyer DDY-212 "Illumination in Darkness" So... I've had an interesting idea about making my own kind of UNSC ship for a...
and i dont plan to fix them. this thread is old anyway
No, this pic has not been edited in any way. My elite is standing in mid-air close to the camera, that's why he's bigger. heh, that should be the...
Here, we see CovenantElite07 watching his son CovenantElite08 shoot his first BB gun. [IMG]
This is an Aesthetic map, it's not meant to be playable. Yes i know the interior is really contstraining but that's just the way that it's built.
FFG-666 "The End of All Things" Well, i built this thing a while back and decided to pull it out of the junk heap that is my Xbox hard drive......
Excellent work. Only problem is you have a top-quality map, it'll be hard to make better ones later on...
Hey Midget, i've been doing some thinking about what you said earlier to the effect of "the ship not having enough power to last 250 years" I'm...
Halo discussions are awesome. I'd contribute to this but i'm way outgunned in terms of true storyline comprehension. Keep it up guys!
FYI: This pic hasn't been edited in any way.
Hephaestus was the one who forged Zeus' lightning bolts so i thought it would be cool to give it a name that implied some sort of godly power had...
I finally found an Elite from the Bungie team. [IMG]
I dont like the flow of the new site layout. The home page, for one thing, is very constraining. When you first bring up the site, there is no...
F-4 Phantom One of the most important aircraft of the Vietnam War, the F-4 was one of the first to truely harness the power of missile-based air...