Darn. That would so fun! Your right though I can't even think of way around it.
Hey what happened during the Chargers game? Did they even show up?
I have an idea for a gametype. It is kind of like rescue. It would be VIP/Escort. You would have the VIP in a cage in the enemy's base. You...
[IMG] Just merged the Joker Poster and the Batman Burning Poster.
My first SOTW entry: [IMG] I like the font and I put a faint star behind the text.
I love your graphics! I also like messing around with Photoshop but I am not as good as you. I would love how to make great sigs like that. Just...
Who are the slave lords? Are you talking about Burial Grounds - Halo 2? The description confused me.
Okay, the boxes in the air were meant so that the top level wasn't so prone to enemy fire. I wanted a top level because it was very bland without...
Kind of a race map, I just thought of it. Not really a specific 'kind' of map. Casual, race, and mini-game I guess.
A tug-of-war battle between humans and aliens took place here and the remnants of the battle are still here. This is one of my first serious...
Travel back to the future in this adventure filled map! First go through the line and into the teleporter. Then shoot the fusion coil until the...
I loved this map. I downloaded it and messed around with my friends. We played KotH and it played awesomly. The only flaw was you can capture the...
I love how you didn't put it on Foundry, but instead Rats' Nest! Great idea, looks great I'm gonna download.
I love those bridges, that are put into a tunnel like fashion. I love that techinique. =]
A laptop, but it doesn't play many games. I also have a regular computer, it is a Compaq. Why are you thinking Crysis?
Lately, I think that there has been a lack of really good games. The last great game was Grand Theft Auto. But, that gets old fast, and frankly...