this sounds pretty cool but do you think you could put more pictures up and be a bit more descriptive
it would be nicer if you had more pictures
the waterfall is really cool and if you don't mind me asking how did you do it?
i like the idea of this but it would be better if you added a little more cover and possibly made it a 2v2
i have to say im not crazy about using the whole foundry. But im excited to see if you can pull it off.
i really like the map but what game types do you recommend on it?
this is an excellent map and the water and the bridge is ausome i cant wait untill you make another map
i agree with cheezbob alot of these maps are really repetetive
this is ausome im definately d/l
that crazy
im sorry but i dont really see the master cheif
thank god you made wall around the track because i always end up flying off the map
is it possible to grenade jump to get to the vehicles
excellent design and you have my d/l
haha i like the caged rocket launcher. It will be fun to taunt people with
i like it but i think the map lacks cover from the snipers which makes it a problems. but if you fixed tht i think it would be a great map!
i think you might need to straighten it out just a little because some boxes are just "thrown"
this looks like a great map i cant wait to try it
dam thats nice.. can you play CTF on it though?
hmm suck up much.. it was pretty cool but you definately wanted something out of it