i like the merging its very clean/smooth but G-merging woulda been nice, the mapaltogether though looks fun so DL maybe n i give you a 3/5
umm i like the merging but more geo-merging would have beeen nice also the merging you did do looks kind of sloppy so maybe focus on that aside...
This looks like a fun map i guess but no DL cause its no fighting or infection its messing around and looks like a map i make when i'm drunk /no...
Looks pretty good for a lock-out infection map but really i have never seen an awsome lockout map especially for infection sry no DL
YAh you need to have atleast one pic and it would make people maybe DL if there was a description. like 4 pics and maybe a weapons list. next tie...
nice v2 your improvements though small made a difference i might DL now, i like this map for FFA 3/5
looks well made but too confusing for me sorry no DL. 3/5 tops
looks like it isnt designed fully, like not complete maybe you should make a v2 and add more. 2/5
looks very small which i hate so no DL but it looks like it has good merging so kudos but i like maps where theres more to it than FFA 2/5
wow man that is pretty disturbing lol, umm i dont think i have anything else to say haha , 3/5
i dont really like the pics so no DL but the map looks ok and i wish it was more smooth
ummm looks kinda like a popuar MLG map so no DL and boring. 1/5
even though race maps are starting to get old this freshins it up a little and it looks like fun 3/5
been done a million times, old old old and i see nothing unique about it no DL 2/5
wowww, lol this is an aesthetics map so no DL though but it is pretty cool kudos . 3/5 for aesthetics
Looks like a lot of fun i will totally DL thnx for the map. all though somethings look un-necessary it is still lots of fun. 3/5
good merging it looks like pretty smooth gameplay, and the setup is pretty tight. 3/5
looks pretty small and un-thought out but its whole set-up could be good for FFA but nothing else. 3/5
looks pretty small and not good for anything but FFA especially not CTF (which is y thing) umm... i havent seen a lot of things like it but i'm...
looks like a medium between your other two maps, kinda open,kinda closed. Its been done before but it has a good touch to it. 3/5 again