I'm currently attempting to make an asset map using the Asset Canvas. And i have a quick question. Should there be more than one spawn point in...
1-the hollow 2-the cellars (cause it's the original) 3-the station 4-socratic method 5-messiah
OK im calling for action. Can we get a moderator in here or sumtin! PLEASE! check this guy ou!
I feel a feature coming on. This is amazing. Way to use ghosting. This might be really awsome. I will download. 5/5
Amazing i really think this is the best scarab map on the hub 5/5 wish it had environment around it though
it looks like there is to short of track and u wont have enough speed to make the jump. but yes very creative. Also he said that in the...
Looks great i will totally dowload! i loved the movie and from the pics and description i expect this map to be pretty fairly epic! Good job on...
EPIC MAP one thing though. in the game i remember morter stikes. mayba a fuel rod cannon or something on a platform high in the sky for mortar...
ok well if its supposed to work it doesnt for me. i always get stuck at one particular point help?
Yes more concealed would be good, like maybe interlock some walls so that all u see is the fusion coil and when u punch it ur punching it through...
I actually sorta like it........ im very intersted in the drop pod idea. This map has lots and lots of potential until ODST come out this fall....
Wow this looks really good! having the attackers running over u as u shoot out is going to have really really intersting gameplay. 4/5
very nice! this could be one of the most useful switches ive ever seen, and could i have permission maybe to incorporate this into a map. PM me...
The map looks great. Personally i like the 2 towers and bridge in the middle. it gives the map a 3-d feel that not alot of foudry maps have. 4/5...
Amazing tunnel system and very nice presentations
I love the mauler in the middle and even though people say there is no cover im sure if they played it, it would be just fine!
I really liked the halo 1 map prisoner. And captive looks really like a really nice map based off of it. It looks really good with the...
This map is really Really REALLY good! i love it how you made the waterfall part of the playable map and how you arranged the weapons! 5/5
I really love the big pipe and the sniper peak in the map it makes it feel like its not just another foundry map! 5/5
Well killnon mabye this map isnt for you rut i think its great! 5/5