Great picture, nice timing to get the hat on master chiefs head, very funny and Great Job! 5/5!
The lighting is perfect making the Spartan Kind of stand out in a way IMO which is awesome! Really nice picture! 5/5!
Whats up and its Paolo lol, are you going to be on Halo today?
Whats up dude!
I really like it the screenshot it is pretty cool, although the armor color should have been a darker color for the spartan to kind of standout in...
My top favorite arcade game would have to be Carracassone (spelling?) because it is such a fun addicting game that can be played for a while.
I have beaten Alien Hominid like 2 times and loved it, this games is a great game to play with a bunch of freinds which is a very fun time. Castle...
Agreed those ducts and the interlocking both look superb, clean, and very smooth IMO! Some parts are a bit open as well which is kind of bad...
This screenshot is awesome dude! My favorite armor is rogue armor and on the contrary, the needler makes the picture even more awesome! Nice Job! 5/5!
I am so excited for this game, I preordered it like a year ago no joke, you can tell I'm a Left 4 Dead fan from my signature and from one of my...
I love the new skin IMO because it is much warmer and welcoming than the other one, I'm not saying the old one was bad, it wasn't at all, it just...
Norlinsky those are really cool signatures, my favorites would have to be the spy or the engineer because those are some of my best classes, if...
Agreed this map looks awesome and their are close to no open space! Lots of cover is provided which is a plus on the map and the interlocking is...
The robber had it coming, why would he take advantage of their age and attempt to rob a house with elders in it. The women had guts and was...
The Call of Duty 4 signature is really cool, I really like your work! You have some great talent, great smudging! Good Job on these signatures!...
I was just going through the pictures and thats how I saw this awesome picture. I looked at your blog as well and most of the pictures are superb!
Agreed in the beginning i was going to say it was to open but then I saw more pictures and it looked like it held some great game play from the...
Agreed this looks awesome, the Recon armor was probably the best choice from the armors for the sketch, nice job and 5/5 for being creative and...
The screen shot looks really cool, nice effect on using only items, bubble shields and regenerators! Really abstract looking, I like that! 5/5!...
Wow dude this drop ship looks exactly like the one in Halo CE! Really nice and it looks very similar. This would be an awesome map for Assualt or...