thanks guys I'm hoping to come back from my break of forge and come out with a new awesome racing map
Thanks alot
You must of played the level in forge because wierdly, only in forge, one of the turns does not spawn but if you play it in a custom game it will...
also guys i just started working on halo street 2 a sequel to this map where it actually looks like your racing in the streets
please be specific so I know how to improve thanks
weapons galore!!!!!!!!!!!
the golden warthog was in fact a glitch when a warthog blew up in halo 2 it would sometime turn gold for about a second and then change colors...
wow worked like a charm stuff is back up guys
yeah the code aint working on my computer either, but for only this thread
Yeah it plays pretty good too
did any of that make sense?
Starting lights came from a forge tip website back when i could only make race maps on last resort and i figured i used em in all my maps since
looks different but is there a vip goal point in the map
Thanks!!!! :)
looks well made the hill must of taken you awhile ill download it and play tommorow and come back with some feedback
Re: MY AWSOME ZOMBIE MAO I've rarely seen a map thats been posted without screenshots unless its by someone who has not read the rules like you...
the hornet picture actually looks pretty cool but the rest are stupid
i was going to make a map with a similar idea looks really good but to make the map better since there is 200% percent gravity you should of just...
looks pretty good with a nice concept but like the others are saying getting bigger pictures. I'll download later and tell you what i think
guys i figured how to get stuff under the map and its by using the interlocking scenery into the map geometry technique. my friend and i built a...