great map but one problem i saw was that u can get out of the map near the curved ceiling made out of bridges if you jump up there around the...
yeah defiently add more in the maps to come maybe add a step up or sumthing or try a roll in or loop maybe
Does anyone have any tips on how to geo merge a double box or something at an angle because im having a very hard time doing it.thanks for you...
awesome map when is the other version of this one gonna be out cuz u said this is an early version. 5/5. i cant wait to see what other stuff is...
this map is the best veitnam map ever! great interlocking and tunnel system the most complex one to date i think. flawlessly executed 5/5
maybe an obstacle course of some sort?. like on last resort or sumthing and make it over the ocean so if you fall you fall in water? thats my idea
it is fun if you have the rite amount of people but the invis part is alittle over the edge even if the berserker is blind but if you maybe made...
5/5 great gameplay and layout the interlocking is beautiful. but the whole map is a little small
hey u skateboard??
this is very well made. 5/5 great interlocking, good gameplay, nice aesthetics, and the layout is good. keep forging.
bungie favorites does suck the maps are terrible!!! i only look at the pics and sometimes they suck too
i played v1 and it was vey fun, nice interlocking and anti spawn kill. but i think you should put more places to maybe go other then the tunnels...
it is literally the best blocked off map on foundry ever. nicely interlocked and it doesnt use up alot of items 5/5
5/5 this map is very well made and original i think you could have put more stuff in it tho
holy **** Blaze another ****ing AMAZING EPIC MAP!!!!!i ****ing love it...sorry for my language but oh well lol.555555/5...your geomerging and...
4/5 nice interlocking and gameplay the only thing im concerned about is that i was playing FFA with my friends and we kept spawning really close...
For your next skatepark you should try and make a Roll In, or maybe a Spine, for Spine Transfers that would be awesome
aah 4/5 because the gameplay for FFA slayer was a little akward because u would sometimes spawn next to somebody. but other then that it was very...
amazing job and interlockingagain:itss sightly metal from one of the best interlocking ever.5/5 i would love to maye help make your v3
this is my opinion but i dont know how it made it to Best racing map because all it is, is just another racetrack like a nascar racetrack i mean...