OK everyone, thanks to all feedback and testing, Deadlock v1.1 is almost ready. The improvements centre mainly around spawning and introducing...
Hey thanks guys for all your feedback Yeah, the screenshots don't show very well but, by the side of the sniper towers behind the barricades...
I appreciate that you can't see the spawns in these screenshots :S Here, I've taken some more that show one half of the maps spawn points (the...
The map is 100% interlocking, read my post? :S but thanks for the feedback matey. I appreciate that the screenshots aren't the best. The map...
The close range weapons are intended for players taking up defensive positions. There are far more BRs that are readily available on the map! I...
Deadlock v1.0 [IMG] "Heavily fortified positions around Deadlock's central tower ensure chaotic and fast paced gameplay [4-12 players]"...
Yes i agree, please bear in mind that this is only V1.0 though. For the next version, i am going to interlock most of the surfaces that can be...
Pros? Cons? Criticisms? Has anyone played yet? Open to all feedback, however negative!
I am in the process of uploading more pics, and enlarging the current ones. Sorry it's my first post on ForgeHub! They'll be up soon! Edit:...
Warehouse v1.0 Created by Fitzey Boy [IMG] After Covenant forces landed, defensive positions were set up in this supply warehouse [4-12...