Looks meticulously placed. It's nice to see aesthetics incorporated into a playable map. It makes me think about the budget, and what we'd be...
I mistakenly found this site when I was searching for a Samsung Fridge Hub. People tweet from their fridge in South Korea, which is crazy. This...
Thanks guys, this is all really good information. If anyone's interested in any Black Magic, know that the Intensity Shuttle is not backwards...
Ha. Yeah, Hitchcock would be proud. Note taken about framerate. Thanks for the feedback JK.
I've been holding onto this one for a little while. Squared is compatible with all slayer gametypes. [IMG] The map consists of 4 walls, each 5...
I'm not a certified zoologist, but I just recently spotted some forge birds available on my fileshare. Here is the next logical step. A map or...
How better to fly in new material than on the back of a bird, or flock. The color palette on Ravine makes this look good. These birds are...
Now I do. Thanks.
v3n3's extractors do seem to spit out png's. This should be desirable, though (lossless, higher quality). If I'm assured a higher quality, I'd...
That second screen from the bottom of your preview pretty much captures the structural perfection of your map. Takes a lot of thought to plan the...
I don't see a problem with the tanks. They are slow to fire, and they need to hit the target accurately to kill. If you're concerned about how...
Nice concept. Decommissioned communications centers usually make great maps, especially when the aesthetics are on point like in this one. Your...
Looks great. It's always nice to see someone make use of SPACE and A VARIED PALLETE. You created an organized, multi-functional space without...
Thanks! Newegg is having a sale for the Diamond GC1000 ($50 off list price), but I've read a lot of not-so-great reviews. The HD PVR looks like...
Thanks for the info Assault. That is an eager and curious forge cam on your site. Still looking for capture card suggestions. I have a large...
Any standout or "gold standard" extractors and capture cards I should consider? All recommendations and reviews welcome. Thanks!
You can change the team setting at any given extraction site, but this doesn't seem to keep other players from extracting it. You might be able...
You might consider using the extraction game variant and setting the advanced properties on your vehicles to have them spawn when the first...
Yeah, I'm pretty sure the ordnance defaults are not indicated either. It's great that the game options are so diverse, though! Who would have...