Splinter Cell A gamtype based on Splinter Cell muliplayer. One team are mercinaries; are impossible to kill except by assasination, have normal...
you dont understand this map is SMALL. Its meant to be like a place to practisr BRing with a few ppl. There rly is no space for any other wepons...
cuz its a small map with next to no cover, open spawns and no power wepons excpt one snipper on a drop spawn. Its bascily noithing but BRing
MLG HatBox a small symetrical map with two floors, tight BRing and a death pit with no explosions and no lag Download Map A good team based...
sorry to be a kill joy but shouldnt this be in the fun maps section (or whatever its called) not competative? Can it be moved withotu reposting?
ahhh my head hurts looking at the pics. This map should carry a saftey warning. Nice job, this musta taken a long time to make