very cool. very cool indeed.
Neato! This looks pretty awesome..I will download asap!
i think the group is a great idea. shishka is the joke.
suuhweet! im in the decade club when it comes to skateboarding. i can appreciate this.
tis cooool.
good games. even if you lucked out, hehe.
congrats dude. this was destined to get featured. you've improved it ten fold, easily.
easily one of the coolest maps 'ever'. this is such a great remake. id much rather play on this than default foundry any day. I actually started...
thanks much, zebu. means a lot coming from a forger such as yourself. lots of people are out a box right now? bummer. appreciate it, dude. ill...
oh i know, i meant in the 2v2 faceoff.
i think this was map is sweet. great forging, great weap layout, clean, full of epicness! i know you can't get out of the map, but what about...
look at all the goodies! visually delicious to say the least. things are lined up to the inch. easily takes a spot in meh library(as do the rest...
sorry i wasn't on, families and stuff. but im totally down to give a hand. let me know.
edit: so, i couldn't get anything good going the last day or so, but i did manage some head to head and it was epic fun! camped rocks when i...
if cleanlines is next to godliness? ahemmm. this looks awesome and it deserves way more than what i can decipher from the pics. gonna try and...
thanks guys, and thanks a ton for taking a look back at this one, chrstphrbrnnn. i appreciate the dig.
totally agree. merging doesn't automatically make a map great. and under certain circumstances, it can definitely be a waste of time and effort. i...
its a trial and error for me, mayne. i just grab it and save it immediately. i usually have to do this about ten times in a row to get it right on...
hehe, these are just things I made up after reading 'thoroughly' about the Orion and SPARTAN projects. I tried my best not to directly imbibe from...
muchos gracias, amigos! I totally spaced it on the stairs, TNF. knew you could get out right there, but forgot. I's gots too anxious ;) I'm...