The reason why I specifically ask Prosper this is because he has claimed to have logical reasons to believe in god many times before. It is the...
He chooses to believe in God and follow all (or most) of the rules that go along with that. That belief actively changes the way he behaves in...
I still can't find your response. In looking, I found this. It's talking about a similar subject so I'll respond, but I still want a response to...
So, Prosper.... Still waiting on a response to that post from several pages ago. The same one you refused to respond to the first time I posted...
rawr message too short
It's not hypothetical. Also, I'm still waiting for you to respond to my previous post. It should be easy, given how confident you are in your...
(1) Good luck finding your magical man in the sky, too! (2) Then you have found some way to rationalize it for yourself. What logical reasoning...
2) Just because it seems logical to you doesn't mean it is. There is one reality; anything that you believe in should be equally provable to...
You cannot prove nonexistence. Atheists hold a logical viewpoint - something should not be believed in until you can be given proof that it...
@mods: I think this thread has some value. The other one is more of a general question - should games be able to have unacceptable objectives -...
YouTube - Should The Government Stop Dumping Money Into A Giant Hole?
Let's apply this idea to racism back during the separate but equal laws: Black children should not be allowed to go to white schools. I don't...
Since you didn't provide any rationale for that statement, I will say a statement of equal significance: Broccoli. I am very confident that...
Are you aware that ignoring my arguments isn't a legitimate response in a formal debate? Refusing to read someone's posts in a debate is...
You have just won second place for the 'most close-minded person I have ever met' award! Congratulations! Honestly, there's absolutely no good...
Of course I don't. I'm looking from your perspective when I say that. If you choose to believe in a god, you cannot deny the possibility of the...
2 different respnses: Response 1: I was just thinking about this yesterday night. In 2001, it was predicted that there are 10,000 distinct...
Wiki: While domestic partners receive most of the benefits of marriage, several differences remain. These differences include, in part: Couples...
Since when? Marriage is a social union or legal contract between individuals that creates kinship. It is an institution in which...
No. I first realized that would be my answer when reading some Dostoevsky (Notes from Undergound). Once you embrace the fact that you live life...