I really enjoyed helping and testing this map. It is a one of a kind, BTB on foundry. That was unherd of untill this map. I feel that side longest...
That's true, sorry if that came out bad I'm very tierd and had to wake up at 4:30 WHICH IS ACTULLY 3:30 with the time change for baseball.
Wow, I'm not sure if that was needed. First of all I will admit 3v3 isn't the greatest with spawns but 2v2 works fine. I've played it many times....
This is really cool I don't think I've ever seen any thing like this. I really like this map Consider it downloaded.
Thanks guys for all the support! I really like hearing what you guys like so I can incorperate it into my new map.
This isn't to bad but I have some tips for future maps you might make. 1) I and ,I"m sure many other people, would agree that the double boxes...
This looks like a really cool map I think it has an insanly complex concept nice work and good vid clip! Ohh and what is the party size.
This Map isn't to shabby, But there are a few things I would change. One thing I was wondering is can your map support all these vehicles driving...
This is me on a good day. What do think of a new pic forum page for people to show off pics like this but better. [IMG]
I had an idea like this once and it looks like you go pretty close to making it like I would have. The only problenm I have is with the pointless...
This looks really cool nice work I think that this is well built.
Ah yes, The best map of rainbow six Vegas is released I enjoyed testing and playing with you and I think that this is a great map nicly done.
That sucks, Well whe your 360 comes back I hope you enjoy playing this map. : )
This looks sweet i'll DL to get a better look good concept!
Well it does look a bit sloppy but it has a great concept. I'd just polish up on those forgeing skills and i'm sure your future maps would be...
This looks interesting nice work. But when I heard the name I was thinking this would be a huge hill not a tiny one. But Nice work on this. : )
Re: Shafts... This is a nice map I enjoyed testing it with you well done.
This is a fun and nice looking map good job.
This looks pretty cool I like this map a lot good job.
Re: Sniper Chasm This is awsome. Finally a good map on an old map. Nice work.