Yeah, skybases are getting old.
Wow, this map actually looks cool to me. I'll download. Also, I have a great name for your map: Badger Hole! (Do badgers live in holes?...
Feel free to add the video to your post.
I played this map with my clan and it was SOOOOOOO fun! I didn't know it originated from here, either. My friend just showed it to us and we...
Re: Intersection (Fixed) Looks fun! Have you tried it with SWAT? If not, I will! :squirrel_wink:
A very good map! Looks like it took a lot of hard work. It's also very easy to get out of.
Re: The canals You never did that to my maps when I sent you PM's... :(
Looks sloppily(sp?) built to me, but good idea. I was going to try something like beat me to it.
That sometimes happens when a mod goes to edit it.
Just take screen shots of your map, you don't have to have people playing it to take screen shots.
Okay, NOW it works. Sorry for that guys! I really had to go last night and I didn't have time to see what the problem was. Please comment!
Whoa, WTF?! Why isn't the BBCode working?! It was working a few hours ago...?
From the screenshots I see, it looks a little messy. (Leaning walls, slanted boxes, etc.) Other than that, this map looks awesome! It must have...
Map Title: Construction Two bases fight to capture each others flag and protect their own! 6-10 players Download Map Download Map Video Sample...
I downloaded this a few days ago and played a couple of games with some clan members. Wow, was it fun! After the first game had ended they wanted...
Lol I like the training ground thing. But why is there a gap between the stairs and the box in overview 1?
This map looks really awesome! I'm downloading this.
Okay well I did actually leave the grenade jumping thing...I just don't want people falling off the map. >.< BUT don't tell me to fix it, this is...
First post updated. New version available here.
No I didn't. Sorry.