lol yeah a bit late^ didn't know of the site, but know most of the switches on tehre already. anywho, after doing some forgin by myself i've goten...
^ he didn't say there would be a new campaign :P
unfortunatly atm im away from my xbox for a couple days, but i'll get on it when i get back. i'll try to remember to send out messages and invites...
So I'm currently working on this idea i have for a map. the basic idea is a one sided assault map where the attackers must place a bomb at 3...
well, dunno if it will work or not, but i do know that fusion coils fused into another object will explode the same if an explosion is close...
No, you just can't read. above that pic a gave the reasons behind it. I want that wall there to give some sort of barrier between the 2 point...
thank you flaming. i think you can only criticize game play issues after you play it. you can say that things look like they would cause problems,...
didn't really know the glitch when making the map. you should check it out, its up now. though please know that i ahve changed player properties...
The power weapons are toned down a bit in the game type. damage out put and resistance are changed so a head shot is impossible and it takes about...
CP_Well (v2) A remake of CP_Well in Valve's Team Fortress 2 Forged by: L30n Map and Game Downloads: CP_Well map CP_Well Game Variant PLEASE...
:O I SHOULD DO THAT!! lol got to check if i even have enough cash for it first though :P
yeah, so far its turning out pretty good :] it's almost identical, but i had to twist it to make it fit and use some teleports to get some areas...
i think people are a bit confused with the armory... its not really an armory, rather a weapon selection/class area. for instance, you can be a...
thanks for the feed back. lol, seems a lot of you don't like the armory. might put other weapons around the map when i make a V2, such as ammo and...
Gravel Pit Created By: L30n Supported Gametypes CP_Gravel Pit Download Map Description: Gravel Pit is based off the Team Fortress 2 map:...
yeah, my maps aren't usually profesional looking. though most of what you see is put there for a reason. the vertical shield doors are to make...
i feel so welcome :] fixed the pics. lol, sry for causing a riot >_>
^ yeah, i just used a url from checking my pics properties on b-net. i see them fine, but i geuss other can't. i'll fix it up.
Map Title: Bomb Site What better way to make a building better than to blow it up. Download Map Download Gametype Description: The map is an...