Looks great! Glad you made a version two and it looks like you really took some of the suggestions and put them into the map, like my idea of the...
Unlike the others I think the cover is sufficient, especially if the mongooses (mongeese?) are to be viable options, they need space to travel...
This looks like a solid map, I like a lot of the ideas you put into it. You really helped make it feel like a real Bungie map by putting some...
I like this, it isn't really a map but its just several different and interesting concepts that could all be worked into maps as tricks, traps, or...
I like the concept, but twice in your description you describe the lack of gravity and then say that the guns lie on the ground so i kind of...
Everyone in this thread needs to have a group unbunching of their panties, he is just trying to be original and get people interested to learn...
I will definitely become a part of this if it is still around when I start paying for live again :P Race maps are my favorite part of halo, where...
I think since some people are saying you need to fill in the center a little, you could put like a backpack or a clothes heap or something,...
This is sweet, I hope someone manages to figure out a way to keep the boat afloat without having to shoot it all the time then it could make for...
The U is very nicely done and I like how you don't just show us a vague picture of the map layout, you actually showed the process and the...
This is amazing, I love the concept and pretty much everything about it, although I haven't played on it so I can't grade you for game play but...
I don't think you should use the man cannon idea or keep it the way it is, I think you should make it indoors and have a tunnel that leads to it...
this map be illin fo shillin
Welcome, as long as you learn the rules around posting and whatnot, and add to the community you'll do just fine :)
Covenant explosions are blue and electric :\
Only if we could go in space... and that means Longswords too!
Wow this looks ill I hope the rest comes out this good, Turf wasn't even that great a map in my opininon but I am still excited to play on your...
I like the overall concept of it, its a good idea and it reminds me of Sidewinder. However it seems a bit small and underdone, I would expand upon...
Yay! Race maps are the best, this looks like it will be a good addition to my collection.... When I get the new maps it will be at least.... :(
hmm ya but look at my join date in comparison to yours, I am superior.