i dont get it 1/5
i acctually saw this before he posted it and i was like =[] i loved it so much i did thing to the map that cannot b metioned jk 5/5 definatly
i think it is great and btw i need a bunker canvas map if any1 can make 1 for me?
Uh im confused you need more pics and like and overview i cant tell anything from this post so for now 0/5
=[]...........................arms........................little head.............................AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! 4/5
can u put the bunker back on your file share plz it seems to not b working
dude omg stop\
matty dude can u make me a arena map like nuthing in it 3 layers high clean interlocked 1 fence box u no like ceaser sat it on the second layer ty...
hey dude i need a plain arena map othing in it nice inter locking on it and i need it 3 layers high with a fence box in the second layer for like...
woot new monkey!
im probly just gonna just make it into my clans meeting room:but freaking awsome map
do not double pst just edit your last post k
hey dude can u send me this map like reccomend it to me like to frends on xboxlive my GT:TAS MEANGREENE
dude can u send me the purple bunker file it wont let me download my GT:TAS MEANGREENE
i just sent u a FR
kk ty
wats u xbox name
i mean like mabey this weekend? :cqb: :recon: :odst: :scout:
alright but think about it :recon: