Help me ! Hello fellow members of forgehub I recently built a computer at college and I'm having trouble installing the audio drivers for this...
Hey guys I really don't mean to be nasty, but could you please re-read the thread and then you'll get what I'm saying. I need you to send me a...
HAVA Platinum HD
Guess who's back? Steve is :omg: Hey everyone, you might remember me from like last year ... a lot of those people have most likely left by now....
Yeah, ask my girlfriend... This can't be true!
The file has been completed in HD, it's now uploading to a filehosting site. Then I'll send you the download link. Remember to say here how it...
No, I put a glowing effect of the first voiceover screen. Adobe After Effects
If I was to trade in Guitar Hero World Tour Full Band Kit, how much would I get? roughly. in £'s
I've been thinking... Tokyo drift is gonna be so hard. As theres alot of people envolved. Got any ideas?
It's pretty cool, though seen it all before. :D I'm sad I play Halo 3 like everday since the last year + since it came out... LOL
Hello everyone, :monitor: Some of you early members from ForgeHub may remember my map: The Watchtower Some of you may...
I can do both. Gamertag: Steeveness (< For this sort of stuff) Aim Hiiiiigh ( For MLG ) Age: 15 Mic: Yes.
Uhmnn.... A one minute clip in HD only turns out to be about 17mb with the way I render. I'll give you a example of the quality I get:...
Yeah dude sure, I'll give you the raw HD footage, then you can do whatever you like with it. Though, I would like it if you'd subscribe to my...
Hello lovely members of forgehub. :happy: Happy 2009. I've decided to be really 'fantastically uberly awesomely' nice this year, I'm going to...
Ok, no need to burst my bubble shield. Oh my god, that was nerdy.
Yeah, thanks :) I don't betray normally by the way :)
I agree.
Who are we to question the reality of god? You either believe it or you don't. Obviously it's to make people be good. ORRR YOU'LLL GOO TO A...
Hey I was testing my capture card to see if I could definately hear people on xbox live through the video. I teamkilled this guy in Social Slayer...