There's no use hiding the fact that this is almost an Avalanche remake of sorts. I wanted to make a very solid map with a combination of custom...
Hot damn, I like how this looks. I'd love to be able to test it out and give some feedback some time. My Gamertag is Skorpius47, and I've been a...
Are you actually loading your map from your saved files? I never understood how people could have this problem. I always go into my saved files...
Plasma Pistol Charge-shots should break Armor Lock.
I was looking through custom gametype options and JUST noticed these things. Bonus points in objective games is a huge loss in my book. Using...
Cool statue piece. I bet it'll look cool once you get it constructed. What about hte rest of the map?
This is neat. I don't think it could come anywhere close to being as fun as it was in Section 8, though.
You're focusing a lot on the Human Gameplay. What kind of fun do Zombies get?
This is good. Real good haha I'm going to yoink this to show my buddies. I'll tell them where I saw it, though.
It would be better to use all of those resources into building the map itself, since the conveyor system of Longest was mostly an aesthetic sort...
Did you actually start a game and double-check if it's basic Forge World and not just your map's name not loading? Srsly.
I'm curious how File Share descriptions relate to in-map objective objects. You mention them in your thread here, but I don't see the correlation.
This is a great idea. What I'm going to do is utilize your technique here and see if there's a competitive-style map that can be made with it....
If I may use your thread ot hit a tangent, I'd like to say that it disappoints me when the majority of maps I download to check out also require a...
Indeed! Before I went to bed, I went ahead and tried out some rocks in different positions. I was able to make a really nice ramp out of the...
Are you actually reloading the map from your files? The game loads a cached version of the last map you played on, and that cached version won't...
Thanks, but if you take a look you'll see I posted in that one. I appreciate the link, though! Progress is coming along on my variant. I had to...
If you're looking for a heavily detailed map maker, I'd suggest looking into FarCry 2. Use Forge World as a basic map making tool, to create...
Checking out your video, I can see that you put a lot of effort into the construction. It's tough, working in Forge to reconstruct a well-known...
I'm glad a lot of people are trying to get this map into Halo Reach! When I get a chance, I'm going to download it and see for myself, but I...