I was thinking about that map you called kizingo square, you could rename it new Alexandria square after the campaign mission exodus. just a...
You sir have done an excellent job yet again. I love the aesthetics in this map and the functioning stairs. The tree adds a nice touch as well....
Thats absolutely amazing, how did you set it up so they function?
This looks extremely well forged. I love the sword room with the small pool of water and the teleporter used around the base of the sword. Also,...
This is quite amusing to me as I was just looking through some old posts and saw a preview for this and thought it looked good. Then, whatya know,...
I looked at your map and I, JIZZED IN MY PANTS. but seriously if this were to be playable I would say feature. (hint hint)
I have noticed that objects can be geomerged into foundrys back hall way. For a map im going to make I would apprieciate if someone could put a...
These are the kind of maps that make me want to play halo and forge. Its so tiresome playing slayer after slayer match. I always long for...
Not to hate on this map but, honestly you should have kept the elevator and built a completely different map around it because this map...
The second one is supposed to offer multiplayer as you said Spade. However I don't think it will be to much of a problem as long as its not one of...
I recently borrowed Bioshock from my good friend and have been slowly pressing through the story. Throughout its intense storyline I have chosen...
I honestly can't get excited about this site anymore. Maps like this have been done a billion times and this one is no better. Yes you put in the...
honestly the flaming may be uneeded but someone does need to tell him how to get better. I suggest checking out forging 101 to learn how to build...
DO you even know what your talking about. good morfing. wtf? also you necro posted that reply in an attempt to get your posts ups. that thread is...
how come limit x won? they never showed up?
Im not really sure I follow this. You said that theres 5 different play areas but you didn't say how to use them other than the sticking yourself...
Evan for this being a v 2 in all I dont see a lot of changes from the first one. Your map still needs more cover on the lower sections because if...
I just had to post here and let you know that, YOUR MAPS FREAKING ROCK. I've been here at forge hub like 4 times as long as you and your still way...
This map seems pretty decent. The forging could use a little but of work with your interlocking and what not but other than that it looks good. I...
This is exceptional. i usually dont give rep on many things but this deserves it. I love how you can fall off everywhere as well as all the...