Yeah THis is my last Endurocross I am finish but I not to stop building maps AND IN case you are wonder why the other four maps was created by...
This is the fifth and last Endurocross map I built, but it doesn't mean I going to stop building race map. This map is my favorite and it is...
Hey, The Fifth Endurocross is coming soon This is TheOffroadDude as TexasMarksman33 in new account. The fifth is in process...... the fourth is a...
Thank for the comments! I was think about building second Ghost Town with the treehouse in different location
oh right, forgot to tell you. There are two rocket launcher and sniper rifle well hide on the ground for the attackers to to overrun the treehouses
With the help of my cousin and My Clan "Texas Fate", I just built two treehouses on two different trees with ramp connect to each other. They are...
This a just a race map I was bored
This is another race map I built from scratch. It is built for two to four players only. Some of you may remember TheOffroadDude who built the...