The Zune, after hearing how it functions, is a POS. I mean, its probably alright portability wise and battery wise, but the way songs work on the...
Really, I have yet to see one unless mine was stolen. I made this pretty much right after I got the maps.
Its a broken bridge, so it is just laying on the ground.
HD-DVD had a huge blow, but the war is far from over.
That is a personal priority. And no, I have yet to really download any map that I hate since I rarely download maps. I came here to get a better...
Ok, I know some people are dense, but come on. I copied the main posts code EXACTLY save for the things I omitted due to lack of the...
I try to stick to well layed out and playable maps rather than amazing structures and new ideas. As long as the map plays like a fun map, thats...
Thanks alot. Unfortunately this map might be victim to some strange things I have been noticing. One of my other maps had its objectives replace...
And look what happened to Vista XD
Re: Post your desktop! My current desktop:
I don't see why you NEED pictures. The only reason I don't have images is because this is a slightly older map. Its still completely up to the...
Not always, I'm religious and I'm pro-abortion. Go figure :P.
My theme is the Bungie Day Theme (best theme so far), and my gamerpic is The 7th Column.
No, they would just have less to be mad about XD.
This comment itself is fundamentally flawed. We wouldn't feel anything if we were aborted, so it really wouldn't matter. Its like murdering...
Not all sex happens because both partners want it. Ever heard of rape? IMO, I'm pro choice. Not because Im insensitive to the human soul or...
Downloads will win. The next generation of Bliu-ray players will most likely replace, not intermingle, the olds ones. I have heard that the new...
And you thought his was bad? <<<<<<<< <<<<<<<<
Thanks alot.
Thanks alot for the feedback Nitrous. The planet ones are really just experiments. Im in the process of observing as much as I can about...