Its going great im going to finish it in a few days and start testing hope u can help and yes it is epic lol
FIRST OFF the map looks and plays great for a mini game map. This map was not made for the looks it was made for gameplay and it play good i...
the idea seems good but u need to add more to the map and take the shield doors out on the defenders side if you fix that ill dl Overall 2/5
This map looks cool but i would interlock your boxes other then that looks good ill dl and see how it plays
sorry man i only have an old v
Dude this map is awesome i DL it and it was amazing love the jumps definately a challenge all my friends loved it great job keep it up
I would like to thank every one for yalls input i know when u first see the map the sniper seems overpowering but when u play a mlg game type it...
I like the idea of the map the cener is sweet ill DL and see how it plays LOL ps check out my new map MLG Revamp v1
This is a symmetrical MLG map (obviosely) made my me, and "I AM DESTURBED" just to let you know. Unlike most MLG maps, the back rooms are not...
hey whats
the map looks pretty good from what i can see i would suggest that u interlocking some of your structures if any forgers out there need help on a...
hey i saw that u need help if u want i can help my gamertag is I AM DISTURB3D