Nice, sounds sorta like fun. Im just gonna sit back and play some XBox and web and... Stuff...
Thanks for the complement, but are Here, Shimmer, and 3 Dimensions reallyunoriginal? And yes, the map is Avalanche. But outside the map in the...
So, I hear you like Halo Wars...
Yo dude, nothing much is happening, how about you?!?!
SECKS! (more than 7 characters)
Thanks for the 3 Dimensions, but I dont understand what you mean by unoriginal. If you consider EVERY screenshot in the Halo world while looking...
Orange [IMG] Shimmer [IMG] 3 Dimensions [IMG] Link to Post
This was my first ever Picture Party MEANT to find pictures thing, so, yeah, watch out. Here [IMG] Orange [IMG] Shimmer [IMG] 3 Dimensions [IMG]...
Thanks Cartoon, I remember when you tested it with me and some other people, I will make some railings soon and I thought the same thing for a...
Actually, the tunnels arent a problem, more like a small passage to the other side. Most of the time there arent more than 3 people in the tunnel...
Created by Vietazn101 (My other GT), Hey, my map is named Kurtain, if you read Ghosts of Onyx by Eric Nylund and think of the main character you...
Lol... Ascetics... Ascetic is an armor. Theyre called aesthetics, and aesthetics are... Basically what he just said. PS. If youre calling me a...
This looks like a very good map, Ill download and try, just one thing, could you have maybe thought of a more.... original name? Lol Anyway, Ill...
Wow, I thought that this was made by a senior member, and then i read 'THIS IS MY FIRST POST" and I thought, DAMN, Im so jealous of his Forging...
Beastly... You know why it's beastly? Cause I love drivin.... Downloaded everything you had to offer...
I dont understand how anything in that map was sloppy... Anyway, this map looks BEAST
Wow, these ships are simply amazing, Ive never heard of someone creating the Phantom, and never even thought it could be made this well, the...
Thanks for the compliment, and also the Overshield and Camoflauge are across the map from each other. Thanks, and the only part I didnt...
The Active Camo and Overshield have the possibility of either team getting them, either by stopping them from going into their own base first, or...
By Itj101 (Small help from MGC Kenster and Kaz Rocks), This is a map filled with interlocking, and aesthetics. There is also the beautiful...