i would think a mainstream title would rely on more than sales of CDs but now more, concert tickets, merchandise and CD sales because of pirateing...
to the people who say that the dmr is better to play with it is but from a technical standpoint (as in sheild strenth and everything) br would win...
i found a trick out a couple of days ago dont know if anyone else has found it yet its a one way bubble sheild using a killball if you cover the...
math fail but besides that if they would put out the zombie map for about 250ms points i would get it zombies is the only i still have plack ops
i would vote for an elite playlist (everything in competitive but with elites) but this would take time to make and whatnot (maps and loadouts...
well if you were to have the pit were the fire is, without a top, you could make it look like the fire kills you however the killball will kill...
a few more pictures of were the zombies apawn and more in general would be nice you should try adding cover that spawns in time outside giving...
they ruined my larged past time in H3 bumper cars you cant splatter with no damage it ruined my dream after the 1st week of reach... *sheds...
cheif after killing noble team he would turn on the arbiter and eat his organs
ok, so my freinds have dawn of war (I and II) on disk im on steam so i dont have to get a disk but would i still be able to play online...
got bc2 but havent played in a long while refresh myu memory, how much is it?
the 1st thing that popped into my head was... awesome and then it was, how to lock me thinks use human barriers placed on normal set above a...
if it does, you could also use custom powers ups to and be set up across the map in areas or up high were only the zombie can get to
he does make good points, but hes "selling" somthing, wich makes it bias so hes not giving the full picture also i dont see nasa sending a probe...
ive done this also, quite fun but how do you make it so you can jack the person in the vehical?
Me wants it, eventually, but forge world will nsatisfy me for a while
got 1 in social and im prety sure its any collition kill that counts
sounds like you just need the right hight to put the hill... and a open area.... put speed way up, so it balances out
how about intead of a 1st day submission do a week long then it wont be flooded full of crapply made maps and it could actually have a chance at...
although forgeworld is practically anything you could want it to be (were*house, forerunner structure, blah blah blah) me thinks bungie will...