i don't like the Idea of having to get on a mongoose to get to the upper floors. This will make it very difficult for the attackers. Put...
Daing, I forgot to send you a friend request !SORRY!. I'll try and do it this weekend but I might get distracted with the new xbox live update. I...
Hmmm... This map looks unfinished. In my opinion there seems to be too much open space. Put some moveable objects around the map. Nice geo merging...
wow! why does everyone seem to hate you? did something happen while I was in Texas or something? + rep for you.
How old are U (rhetorical question)? This is like a 7 year is asking these questions. I highly doubt they would make it for ps3 because the whole...
you only had 2 other members so I joined. But I might quit if I get bored. most of my friends play fat-kid and I don't like matchmaking so it's a...
you're a good forger. Have you made anything on another map besides foundry?
I have too agree with Burnin Burrito it is a widely used idea but it still is pretty good. The second best that I have seen so far. take away some...
I have too keep my grades up. If I get A's and B's this year, my parents will buy me a car.
maybe, but I can only play on the weekends (too busy with school). I'll send you a friend request on the weekend (if I get around too it).
those videos are hilarious.
wow! really disturbing video. the second one made me want to punch my way into my cranium and then beat my brains with my eyeballs.
I'm guessing it would be guitar hero. I haven't played every game yet but knowing that the game consists of awesome rock music it would probably...
You guys should really stay on the topic. My gamertag is King Coolbeans and it's origin is from the greatest movie ever made, which is also known...
What 2 arbiters? First off all, don't you mean elites and secondly, there aren't any "arbiters" standing next to each other. In fact, if you took...
Possibly two but bungie is very lazy and may not make anymore map packs. Assembly is going to come out but I don't know if it will be released in...
What is the game type? (is it CTF, slayer, assault). Too much open space. I suggest you put movable objects such as crates and forklifts.
there isn't much room to maneuver the ghost. This is good but I still think that you should take out the ghost. Other than that, cool map 4/5.
Is another way to get inside the sniper tower or is it just the gravity lift?