wow this map has great asthetics and smooth gameplay. Great design and layout!
WOW! This looks really nice, the asthetics looks amazing and the interlocking/geomerging is masterful. Great idea with the tilted pillar it looks...
Hey want to play with HLG Graffiti? Send me a message and we'll hit up some halo :)
Wow. In my opinion this is way better than the last foundary race track that got featured. Looks smooth, great turns and nice battle idea. I...
Heh, I meant to look at the bottom featured maps but instead I clicked yours. I didn't even notice that this wasn't a featured map until i backed...
Wow the interlocking and geomerging on this map looks outstanding. The gammeplay looks like itd be smooth, and the map itself looks original. I...
WOW! I LOVE the looks of this map. The sheer size is incrediable and the asthetics are amazing. I love how you have the stairs leading down with...
Looks alright, I'm not a fan of race maps but as far as this goes it has nice astheics and interlocking so I'll give it a 4/5. Good job.
Ya man you REALLY need more pictures, from what I can see it looks... okay. I mean the interlocking is pretty good but I'm not so sure my first...
I don't know why this only has a two star rating... this deserves AT LEAST four stars, whether or not it's you map, the map is great. Nice...
Well to be honest it doesn't look 'amazing' but major props for making a decent objective map on blackout :)
Looks great but the white font is really bugging me, I have to highlight to read and I'm not sure i I'm missing anything. For future reference...
Wow looks really nice! Great use of geo. merging and interlocking. 4/5 :) good work
Looks fairly unique o.O, nice job 4/5
Wow I like the looks of this, nice idea, asthetics, and layout. Well done.
Wow looks really cool, you got my DL, grats on a great map! 4/5
When rating a map it's a rare occasion when I rate a 'terrible,' unfortunately this is one of those occasions. Upon first glance I noticed many...
Looks prett cool I like the looks of it, but the base/area above blackout has just been done one too many times for my liking... would be 4/5 but...
I liked your other map better but nice, 4/5 on this one :)
Looks well done but this type of map has been done too many times for me to dl. Have to say very, very nice interlocking! 4/5