im decent forger...but i don't know how to do geomerging....can someone please help???
oh yeah btw i modified the gate for the second version as many people i played with complained the alpha zombie came into fast...the game type for...
i agree with everyone,the maps kinda to small...i suggest creating something that covers at least half the map and have more than 1 level.....
i have taken into consideration your comments,and have added a new link to a new modded version in the first post....i hope it's better,enjoy =)
it has a few interlocks here and there,but not many....i cant have an over shot as the map is seperated into a few parts....
made on:[IMG] HOMEBASE [IMG] download here:link gametype:link download ver.2 here:link2 this is a map about the a freaky deeky guy who is...
please try the map out it looks gd yeah,but try it out its loads of fun =)
please download and comment it looks good and it plays good too =)
it doesn't just look fun,it is fun i've played it many times with my frens we have loads of fun....but if u dont understand about mas selamat u...
its something like cops and robbers but the police man/humans must take control of the map to get high points but the alpha zombie/mas selamat can...
yup it is,its kinda like a jail.
made in:[IMG] DETENTION CENTER [IMG] DOWNLOAD MAP:detention center PREFERRED GAMETYPE:corruption this is a infection map i don't think it...