very interesting, you seem to be working on a confusing but, good kind of confusing, i give it a thumb (or two) up for doing somthing new. 4/5
3/5, i have seen so many infection maps that are just the same thing over and over again, you have 3 types of infection maps, the suckish ones,...
This looks really nice, love how you made all the working stuff!,(door, stairs ect.)
Needs to be more spread out, i suggest a gaurdian blocked map for that, overall very niecly done awsome bases and the hills on the side are really...
got an infraction on forgehub, and a 7-day ban on b-net for almost no reason, Im more trouble than im worth!
I have noticed this lately and was wondering if anyone else saw this, and if one of these high ranking forgehubbers drop in, could you answer my...
dogs-blindly loyal, you get one and they wont except most. cats-hates any and everything. dogs-strong, good at defending your household, barks at...
looks real cool, 3 things though, 1. outside might be HORRIBLE camper area, so manf campers will flock there in odjective games 2. some inner...
Well to be honest, nasty interlocking and looks TOO open needs to be closed up more, with like fillers- Box, dumpster, ect.
is it ok if i make my own version of this map, because it looks amazing and you coul make alot of cool sandtrap varients with it, P.S. i will not...
looks Very nice, cant wait far spawn version
idk that could be pretty cool
nice one ivory looks sweet i think i might dl btw, how did you make those walls look like that?
i think this map is worthy of faves, this is the best looking cldsrg map if seen
this coldstorage map pwns all the others
nice tribute to bungie
im gonna play it tomarrow when i get the chance
man it wont dl
that is cool i cant wait to play it tomarrow
cool man looks like you worked hard on it, i have a suggestion make a v2 with auto firing cannons and have the zomb at the to shooting the propane...