:D Thanks Sotha! Glad you enjoyed it and yes, like you said, may be considered a "slow" game, but it does get very intense!
[IMG] DOWNLOAD CLUELESS Background & Design: So the game Clueless wasn't just made up over night. It in fact has been a work in progress for a...
It is more emotional and meaningful if you ask me. I was going for a more emotional side of thing and in a sense, "make the do it scene a work of...
Okay, so after being obsessed with Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2 for so long, I decided to make my own video to put on youtube. I think the end...
LOL his face is an optical illusion. You either see him looking like he is passed out sleeping, or an actual face with his forehead and top!
[IMG] Robo Gettin' It!!! He is giving someone off camera an air high five, and using his other hand to take care of business!! lol like his...
Hey I know you from somewhere! :)
Thank you! Yeah, I see what you mean. That would actually be a great idea! Glad you liked it though, and thanks for the ideas.
Gold Lush by Boston aka bos45redsox [IMG] A good 1v1 map Overview: Though the map may look like a decent size for some team games, it is meant...
Updated the Gametype, and added the official Stickball map - Stickball Ct. With the help of GunnerGrunt's amazing aesthetics, hopefully the...
Do you have any relation to PsychoBucket?!?!?! Lol how's it going man?
Unfortunately my 360 just fried (visual meltdown to clarify) so I am going to go buy a new 360 in the next day or so. I have the map ready for...
Alright, just finished the map. When will you be on so I can party up with you and show you where to put everything?
aMoeba my name isn't listed :( Lol anyways, this map is fantastic! I just love it! I love how you designed it, and the forging is just great!...
NULL! I SOOOOO wish I could surf the XF forums haha
Actually, I think I have the best idea. What if you wrote out "Stick" with the nodes, and then combined an overshield, active camo, and a custom...
Thanks man! I'll go finish it now. I should have it ready for you by tomorrow.
Alright sweet! Yeah I was thinking the weapon holder would be a good idea for that. Like I said though, I would love to have WSA written out...
Thank you so much man! Lol I suck at aesthetics. I was thinking for a "logo", Grifball has the "Running Man". I was thinking maybe if you could...
Hey man, I have a question. If I were to make the basic layout of a Stickball map, could you add in some nice aesthetics? Like maybe using the...