Heaven is where your spirit goes to spend the rest of eternity with your loved ones that have died before you. Not really sure what it looks like...
I enjoy and requires lots of teamwork all though 3 low ball is the worst game ever made. No wait I take that back ShWATguns is but its a close...
To be honest I have thought about it before I wont lie. To you but keeping me from doing it is exactly what Al Capwnage said, your taking the...
What Earth isn't the center of the universe. What are you going to tell me next it isn't flat either. But seriously In my opinion I think God...
I'm sorry ferret I have agreed with just about all of your debate ideas, however I just cant connect your comparisons to handing out condoms at...
How had is it to put the D in the V, but seriously I think handing out condoms and what not is a good idea. I would say that about 90% of high...
Off Topic - My comment about not being able to dance to metal was in response to Darks comment about his school always playing rap at his dances....
I still enjoy wrestling a lot and I watch on a pretty regular basis. To the person who said the cut themselves that is half way true. Due to the...
I prefer rap myself so I am probably just "metal stupid" in saying this but can you dance to metal besides just making your self look like a human...
Top Evidences Against the Theory of Evolution is a great site that disproves a lot of the theories of evolution. To be honest though I don't...
Don't lock the thread yet. You may very well be correct and that is a law we just not find proof of it.
Well my friends dad is the chief of police back home. So I will call him up and see if i can get clarification from him, and I will get back to...
I still would like to see something about it an article or something so i can further research it.
Where did you hear about this regulation as I have never heard of it.
Thank you squid that basically sums up what I was trying to say. All thought we all know the Geneva Conventions is crap. I mean it was a great...
USA total population - 304,420,000 Netherlands total population - 16,408,557 That is not a good crime comparison to make.
that sounds like assassins creed to me...
I also think it is kinda stupid and especially pissed me off when someone posted in the debate forum to turn off your signature which is fine...
i prefer team sports especially basketball. I love being the point guard and taking the game upon myself, leading my other 4 team mates and...
yea you may run into the problem of running out of boxs which in my opinion is stupid and greatly limits what you can do but i do like the idea.