very nice!! i tried to make a map myself that was like this so i know how much thaught gets put into this. good job and very creative with the 90...
very nice map... i really like what you did here. i really have nothing bad to say about it. i do wish, however that you could get to the top of...
whilst your idea was a good make a map like this ( two base and cc) you need to do somthing to stand out. there have been many maps like...
i just want you to know that you might want to get a mod to lock this before people start flamming you and giving you angry looks
i love this map its simple yet has a complex stratagy. the only problem is that you should have a way to kill the people who don't leave there...
it looks pretty good but unless the zombie is a fat kid who is fast this map seems a little one sided. great idea but my one suggestion is take...
its a great idea ill give you that and congrats on your second map. you might want to think about adding more cover for the zombies benefit. also...
wow this looks great and fun. i never herd of the first version but this seems very origional great job.
looks great and flows really good but there are a lot of race maps. so, if you want people to love yours, you got to put somthing increadibly...
congradulations. i havn't seen a great CTF map in forever good job i love it i like how the sword is out of reach. it really makes it balenced
i love maps that are like this a lot but it is true that ive played a better one. try to make it unescapible
i dont understand what all is the point of this game. could you elaborate a bit more for idiots like me
i love obsticle course maps but you have the same pic twice and the map looks kinda small some more pics would be nice also id hate to tell you...
this map looks great ive dLed it and i cant wait.. i love how its so compadible with many gametypes but it still looks like all of them would be...
i would seriosly suggest bringing this to forge hub standerds or your map will get locked and thats no fun for anyone
this looks great i never played the first version but ill dl because this looks increadible fun
this is amazing good job.. on the other hand your killing thing the electric chair i dont think is a good idea... i mean when the prisoner sees...
this looks great i love derby maps...your pics are kinda small tho all in all i cant wait to test it
this is a really great cops and robbers map i cant wait to play it i love the idea of karma....if you ar a **** to the inmates what are they gonna...
it sounds very creative but not to many people like the needeler so the objective is pretty much out. on the other hand the map looks expertly...