It looks like a really cool map, it would have to take a skilled mongoose driver to properly navigate those roads!
LOL nice.
Nice map, bad grammar.
That's probably why he made a download button for it.
I'll download it for 2 things: 1. It looks awesome and brings back memories of mine, too. 2. I feel back that it took a lot of time to make this...
The only thing I would say is to make some more cover at the bases so when they're traveling from base to base it's really easy to shoot them....
Try adding scenery or something to fill that open space; make some interlocked map geometry to make the players feel more forerunner and interested.
The only problem would be the "stairs" in which you used doors to get from one level to the next. You wouldn't need the bottom door, just the top one.
That would be useful for something out of a mini game or a CTF game.
Why is there two posts of the same stuff?
How do you give MSFT Points to a person?
Just out of curiosity, how long did it take to make this map?
It looks okay. You could have some places neater and such but overall a decent racing map.
Later and later in FH's future, I always see better and better maps and interlocking. We have some seriously talented forgers here.