i would like to say goodbye to all people who download and like my maps i will be back in 3 months hopefully but when i do i will continue to...
no need to take there i already tested it and i know how to build, i made it a even as possible to play for both sides. there are 2 man cannons...
Description:this is a map of class.....well the beach house is nice its perched on some rocks over the water on the beach the map itself is...
thank you i am going to build on last infection map before i leave it will be similar to this one but it will be even better
Thanks thank you..... this map has been downloaded alot since its release alot more then i expected...
Im leaving i will be shipping out for basic on monday so i want to wish everyone good luck and goodbye i will continue to play halo when i get...
Description: that map is asymetric as the zombies have to assault the house and kill the last remaining survivors, there are no wepons on the map...
Oh i think you mean taco hell but yes this will be my last map until september 14 when the all mighty REACH comes out hope to see you all onthe...
page Has been update to meet your standards hopefully.....
[IMG] ::::::Description:::::: When the ship arrived it unleashed horror no one was ready for now the zombies run rampant across the docks...
just a picture what do ya think Rolled cold [IMG] link Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details
i was considerign to make another rendition of the map with more outdoors but the challenge would be to incorporate the large space without having...
yes i know what you mean that game will be epic thanks for your comment man.
thanks i will keep producing more aliens based maps im thinking abotu building the dropship out in the sand looking like it crashed and you walk...
the movie has no coralation to the title i know the scene comes from aliens i only named it Aliens three because its the 3rd one i have made i...
the gametype is posted in the topic is right underneath the map.
Aliens (infection) Aliens: Discription:::::::::::::::::::::::: map is based of the movie aliens, with sigorney weaver and micheal bhein. the...
thanks for all the support guys and if oyu want the full effect of the map make sure you download the gametype okay.
srry try again i took another person off you have 3 days to comply, good luck
yeah i guess i could do that tonight ill delete one person and hopefully youll be ready to send me that request