sup! i recently made a flood specific map, and would like someone who knows the ins and outs of flood options. jump in a game and run around...
after grazing around on this map, the whole design is based around the authors sense of style and how the gameplay of the game variant handles in...
ive been eyeballing this thread for a good while now. id like to throw you a F-request and bounce ideas off each other in forge sometime. im...
not too sure about the shadows in the grifcourt. i see people with mixed results, but i think it might be because the method of how the shadows...
i dont think your statements match your outlook. you stated you haven't played on the map yet your sure enough to critique it as hard as you can...
Just did a massive update. So now i need another few rounds of playtest to make sure the changes took hold. Check my fileshare here shortly so you...
i had a idea about tower defense also. in that it would use turrets and auto turrets. flood and humans cant jump, and there are guide rails that...
makes sense now, i believe my minigame may be afflicted by this glitch. however ive been using a combination of trip mines and fusion coils. but...
currently im just attempting to recreate ideas ive had in previous halo's. during which i usually end up running into "change" which may hinder...
aka grifs cant move, but can super jump. only super jumpers can teleport whilst jumping in endzones. this also adds some possible cool effects,...
what if i told you i had a flood gametype set to where zombies... were human and could use guns? and that the alpha zombie was glitched out and...
**** EDIT: Modded content is not allowed... :lock:
ah well. well it was quite close, however some of the standard jumps cannot be completed without sprinting. aesthetically, it is a beautiful...
357 listed, so you want me to grab a phone book, and dial random phone numbers to see if they are home? if they are busy? if they have halo 4? if...
GT: Aeoss add me happening now, so act quick!
was this expanded to incorporate sprinting better?
bump for further promotional activity and critque feed back. based on the core gameplay of MLG halo 3, is exactly what this map means. also,...
its not a glitch, but a flawed system that triggers a despawn respawn count down for all moveable objects. for instance, the issue in campaign and...
u try setting it up random hills. also try using two mongooses so there is always a next hill. u can use hill traits to enable driver use so...