So I started playing last week, and I was using Cho'Gath since he was free. I'm saving my Riot points for Kog'Maw, the idea of a suicide bombing...
Don't be so sure about that ;)
Justin Bieber vs. Slipknot - Psychosocial Baby - YouTube
The best, no, the only sub genre of Metal worth listening to.
YouTube - Periphery - "Jetpacks Was Yes!" Official 1080P HD Music Video‏ YouTube - The haunted - The prosecution‏ YouTube - 10 Sex...
YouTube - We Got Him!
YouTube - The Human Abstract - Digital Veil - OFFICIAL VIDEO
Use a screwdriver and pry apart the gray plastic shell around the end of the old AV cable that plugs into the Xbox. Be careful not to ruin the...
I told myself no more Black Ops. Looks like that promise will be broken.
Between the Buried and Me's vocalist's solo album title track. YouTube - Thomas Giles "Sleep Shake" Metal Blade Records Pretty rad, pretty...
Without friendly fire, grenade spam would be even more prominent, with the motivation of grenades only being able to damage the enemy. Teammates...
Thanks broseph.
An exaggeration to prove a point, dude. Anyway, I've been playing Crystal on and off over the span of 3 months with many interruptions (school,...
I know I'm gonna be flamed, but I LOVED Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX. The overhead view Zelda games seem to be overlooked by fans...
I saw these guys live with TesseracT and Protest the Hero, with no knowledge of who they were, or what they sounded like. I stayed out of the pit...
WaW started the decline of good CoD's, but not to say that it was awful. WaW was decent, and generally underrated, with the most prominent...
Zero Punctuation did a review of Pokemon White. Not to be taken too seriously, though. Yahtzee hates every game he plays, and while there is...
Remember to burst fire your AR; it's the closest thing we've got to a BR! Some maps are a little more prone for grenade spamming I find,...
WiFi Battles have an auto lvl 100 cap, all you need is the fully evolved form of your Pokemon, the right movesets, EVs, and IVs and then you're...
likelikelike! Horse the Band is amazing! Such a shame they stopped touring before I could see them live at least once :( YouTube - HORSE The...