So true. My whole concern was for the more technical side of map making. All further discussion about this would be more appropriate in one of...
From what I have seen through all sorts of media (released and leaked), I cannot recall seeing any grav lifts. Now that I think of it, they...
Downloading now, if completing it gives me as much a thrill as your last puzzle map then I will be pleased. I see that other guy already completed...
It's been a while, you said you were working on a new puzzle so let me know when thats up or where to find it. Now that I think of it, a message...
Well so far I only see potential in merrifield as he has pretty much described most of what you need to complete the map to me in a private chat...
You said you've had like over 400 downloads... I suddenly feel pretty cool about my achievment on this map. :) Be sure to tell me when your next...
There is only one way to do it (as of v.2), and I'm not sure of anyway that I could put it that won't give away the answer but I will try. There...
I beat this puzzle on my first go. Its mostly a teleporter map without puzzles in between.
For anyone who has taken up the challenge of completing this map I provide for you now the second version of THE_MAKER. Please download the newest...
This looks like a carbon copy of my puzzle map, every idea here is in mine (from what I see in the pictures) and even the gametype is..... unless...
I'll admit I really didnt want to use them again but I was out of objects and ideas that are so over played (grav lifts). The mongoose part isn't...
Hey merrifield, I've beaten your map but can you beat mine? I've just posted it in the minigames.
WOW I can't believe that i did that. my bad thank you for being polite. I was kinda caught up in the moment.
Welcome to THE_MAKER. This Puzzle map requires that you think within the box (The box is there for a reason). Normally the first idea that pops...
Whatever, these pics are from '07 and would have been cool back then. I'm not a big fan of screenshots because the effect they have only lasts a...
[IMG] Just enjoying that final moment before entering Valhalla... [IMG] HALO - Combat Evolved BTW had these pics for years now without...
When I first looked I didnt see anything special until I noticed it looks like a pimp with a cane. The title should have reflected this.
I think I tried it the other way like you guys did, however in V.3 that never worked for me so I just found a different way. edit* Also not that...
Took me aproximately 6-7 hours with breaks in between to B**** about the map.... Was a very hard earned 1 point at the end. Good job on the...
I tried for an hour yesterday to do everything and nothing would ever line up right. After many tries I got to within the last 10 seconds of what...