Your best bet for getting people to view, stay, comment and play your map is to have a look at other (popular) map postings and see what they've...
I had played all the big titles at E3. Private showings of God of War III, Heavy Rain, Alan Wake. But at 4:00 on Thursday, I was wandering around...
I thought the trailer was incredible, actually. Sure, there was no indication of anything at all, but it made me feel for whomever was on that...
That's essentially what it sounds like :)
Well, I have changed the front page a few times. Before hand it was reporting a rumour, which people denied (probably without checking the facts...
Where did they say 3 hours? I was thinking more 6.
Wasn't halo originally a 3rd Person shooter? If so they may be trying to return to their roots, and to be fair, it sounds like a good direction to...
I totally called it :P Will update the Original post soon. [UPDATED]
Absolute fail on your part. Not only did you have a grav lift, but a simple 'nade woulda shifted that sucker, and possibly even provided some...
This just in! Halo: Reach has had an achievement page spotted. Link Here I shall update the front post.
Mmkay, well, I've linked the article, so yea, it's cool :)
Nono, I meant 4 new ones after Halo 3. It was in their weekly update a while back. Something about them being busy with 4 halo projects.
They may have started making the game before ODST, so with clever wordmanship (:O) who knows. Also, they did say that they were working on 4...
Indeed. I give them a read each day just to see what's happening, and I trust 'em. I just wonder what the hell Reach is. Some are saying it's a...
Halo: Reach Discussion [With links!] Rumoured already, now we have confirmation of another Halo game; Halo: Reach. [IMG] Looks like a whole new...
According to the internet, you could emulate Windows, or "Why emulate it when you can run windows native via bootcamp?" I have no idea what this...
Here's that special link. I liked it so much I went and bought the next step up, United Forever. It's so good! And for only £10 it was a steal,...
But I would wager, that if you had pallets, spawn-dropping (I think that's the phrase), then they might "conveyor" towards the middle. You...
You mean, make it accessible to everybody, whilst promoting those who are good at the game? It's nice to be able to play a multiplayer game...
It depends if you already have a PC. Usually it's cheaper to upgrade a PC than it is to buy a whole new one. If you're gonna just buy one, I'd...